Pick 6 → Wheels → Coverage

Pick 6 | 6if7 Coverage Lottery Wheels

Free Pick 6, lottery wheeling systems with full 6if7 coverage that also offer a 14.28% shot at the jackpot should you match all 6 in the regular draw. We’ve included wheels for 10 numbers (30 lines), 11 numbers (66 lines), and 12 numbers (132 lines).

If you’re looking to play a specific set of numbers, below you’ll find all the different guaranteed wheel coverings options that are available to you.

7 Numbers

A single line of ANY 6 numbers will always have 6if7 coverage.

8 Numbers

The 3if3 guarantee in 4 lines offers 100% 6if7 coverage, while the 4if4, 5if5 and 5if6 wheels go well above 100%.

9 Numbers

The 4if4 guarantee in 12 lines offers 100% 6if7 coverage, while the 5if5 wheel goes well above 100%.

10 Numbers

It requires 30 lines to get 100% 6if7 coverage for 10 numbers.

11 Numbers

It requires 66 lines to get 100% 6if7 coverage for 11 numbers.

12 Numbers

It requires 132 lines to get 100% 6if7 coverage for 12 numbers.

13 Numbers

From 13 numbers onward, there is a lot coverage overlap, where many lines only cover a single combination. It should only take 246 lines, but generally requires around 285 lines due to all double coverage of the same numbers.

As more numbers are added into the mix, the amount of double/triple coverage grows exponentially which means a lot more losing lines when you’re number don’t appear.