Pick 6 | 9 Number Wheel Trap (4if4)

Pick 6 | 9 Number Wheel Trap (4if4)

Get balanced coverage on 9-numbers with a 4if4 guarantee using 12 lines. An equally weighted ticket set with repeat wins for all Match 3 combinations. Wheeling System Playing Tips Since this is such an equally weighted ticket 12-line ticket there’s not much strategy to play here. Your key number bankers of (1,2,3,4), however, should comprise …

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Pick 6 | 8 Number Wheel Trap (4if4)

Pick 6 | 8 Number Wheel Trap (4if4)

Get balanced coverage on 8-numbers with a 4if4 guarantee using just 3 lines. Key number 5if5 coverage with repeat Match 4/Match 3 wins as consolation. Wheeling System Playing Tips To improve your payouts from 3if3, 4if4, 5if5 be sure to extra care when choosing choosing your key numbers (1,2,3,4,5) as they will appear together on …

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Pick 6 | 7 Number Wheel Trap (4if4)

Pick 6 | 7 Number Wheel Trap (4if4)

Get balanced coverage on 7-numbers with a 4if4 guarantee using just 5 lines. Key number 5if5, 5if6 coverage with repeat Match 4/Match 3 wins as consolation. Wheeling System Playing Tips To improve your payouts from 3if3, 4if4, 5if5 and 6if6, play multiple 4-ticket sets while swapping your choices for 1,2 numbers with those from 3,4,5,6,7 …

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Pick 6 | 8 Number Wheel Trap (4if4)

Pick 6 | 8 Number Wheel Trap (4if4)

If you want to play 8-numbers and profit, wheel your numbers to maximize your chances of repeat wins and winning the jackpot. This will keep you motivated to keep on playing, as getting a $10 win once in a while is no one’s idea of excitement.